Wednesday, November 27, 2013

iMAX Rainbow Brown Circle Lens Review

Hello everyone~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Today i received a package in the mail~~
So i will do a review on one of the pairs of lenses i bought from d( ̄  ̄)

For some reason though they only sent 2 lens cases...ヽ(´o`;
haha luckily i have extra cases but... ><
** for someone who hasn't used vials before**
Circle lenses come in these nifty glass vials, but when i first got a pair i was so confused on how to open them lol The only problem with opening them without using the trick, is that the top is covered with metal- so its quite easy to a) cut yourself and b) make it super difficult to open it
So the trick (that took me a a few vials to figure out lol) is that on the metal is 3 arrows that look like this: ︽
so pull the lid open from there as a starting point, all the way back- you'll have to use some force ^^
Then it should 'segment', making it easy to open~

find the arrows, pull up and all the back~
on the left is one vial i opened (badly ^^')  breaking the metal leaves very sharp edges so take care~
The right vial is properly and safely opened xDD one piece yey yey~~ (^O^☆♪

Brand:  iMAX
Origin: South Korea
Water Content: 42%
Diameter: 15mm
Base Curve: 8.6
Disposable: Yearly
Prescription? available
Price: ~$23

My original eye color is gray, so unfortunately it is quite visible when i wear these. 
 Usually i buy lenses that uses designs to blend with my natural color (i used to buy opaque lenses but haven't in quite some time)
and these are very opaque (good and bad). 
 I do think that they do come out like the advertised pictures, and would be perfect for dark eyes ( ^ω^)b 

-from a distance i love these lenses~! perhaps one of my favorites even.  
But up close reveals that they are quite..fake haha (mostly because of my gray color showing through)
 Although after a few hours they have been growing on me~
-the color is very true and pretty♪
 *these lenses are of a super large size and bright coloration- so i would recommend darker makeup to balance it out☆
I think after a few days -despite the flaws I've mentioned, these will become a favorite of mine ^^
what can i say? i love huge contacts, and these definitely provide that ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
bathroom lighting (pretty true to the color)
 (no color edit~ light orange-brown)
outside lighting~~
darker lighting
The gray doesn't come out too bad in pictures (just leaves an interesting ring-ish effect)
Side view- you can see how opaque they are

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